Congratulations Associate Prof. Dr. Lim Soo Kun and the study team on the First Patient Randomized in Malaysia for the Diabetic Nephropathies Disease study (1366-0005
Congratulations Associate Prof. Dr. Lim Soo Kun and the study team on the First Patient Randomized in Malaysia for the Diabetic Nephropathies Disease study (1366-0005
Greetings from CIC! Following the current pandemic situation and MCO status in Malaysia, all face-to-face workshops must be postponed until further notice. We are looking
Dear participants, as all of you have already received an email and have made known about this, we, Cic Ummc unfortunately, have to postpone the
This visit objectives are to give an introduction to the students on the environment at the hospital.
Memorandum of Understanding between Clinical Investigation Centre and Novotech
Prima Nexus Sdn. Bhd. is a homegrown multiracial regional research resource management consulting firm in diverse research, clinical, therapeutic and diagnostic areas.